Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the Pax Cecilia- Blessed Are The Bonds

I'm posting a free album right now (oh bullshit, I only download shitty music that costs money from here!) but no care, this is absolutely one of the most brilliant albums ever created. Sure, it hits pretension pretty hard as it comes towards the middle, but with the two ending songs of the the Tree and the Hymn, it's hard to deny that this band is something special.

Denying a listen to this album is like denying your lungs a chance to breathe.


soon, friends, you must bury her in your chests as i have in mine
and rise, rise, rise, rise
for though the moments press now on our heels and households like the waves,
with a fearful vigil, we have turned to face the coming tides
only to find that such oceans have dried

oh fate, you were so unwise!

if our mothers have taught us anything, it is that there is no shame in a
fading light
but instead, a pale worldly beauty
so be tired, good children
be tired, but be strong, in a word: persevere
for the dimmer the light, the longer it shines when we are gone.

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