Monday, February 22, 2010

Pretend- Bones in the Soil, Rust in the Oil

Holy balls, two posts in one day?! I can barely seem to post shit once a week, but I'm feeling crazy tonight.

Onwards to something I downloaded randomly because, fuck, I can download it. Actually it was compared to toe, and I'm not sure if the comparison was to the American post-rock band (whom I've never heard), or the Japanese one (whom rules). I can't really see many connections between this and the Japanese one, so I'll have to go with it was connected to the American one.

Either way, it's a really long album, over an hour. But I have to say, this has not gotten stale at one point in a full listen. It's really relaxing, and really good. Math-rocky double tapping instruments over a small crashing of drums make this album incredibly. There's vocals from time to time but I rarely pay attention to them as the instrumentation is pretty awesome.

As you can see, I haven't made some dicky little point about how you're wrong if I don't like it, which means that maybe I should at this point. Or maybe not, just download it, relax, and enjoy.



Anonymous said...

seen this band a few times! the guitars actually don't tap at all through the whole album or live or anything...just finger-picking...great post!

SnackyPacks said...

well no shit. i've been duped.