Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quest for Quintana Roo- Collected Works

So this is like finding a giant box of porn in the woods when you were a little kid, except better. Somehow this completely flew under my fucking radar, and apparently 6 months or so ago, a dude from Quest for Quintana Roo uploaded EVERYTHING THEY EVER FUCKING DID. Seriously this is one the happiest things I've found in a long fucking time.

Quest for Quintana Roo played pretty much some of the best emotional hardcore that side of the Mississippi (pretty sure they were from Oakland, and this side of the Mississippi would be the east coast for me). They pretty much nail everything right on the point with shit I love.

They're on of my favorites, and they deserve your ears. If you're too busy being a cry baby bitch to download it, at least listen to the song Statement to the Statesmen and tell me that it doesn't rule. FUCKING TELL ME IT DOESNT RULE.

Collected Works I

Collected Works II