Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kidcrash Discography

Kidcrash are quite possibly the best band to ever come out of the genre of emo/screamo/whinyfaggotbullshit. Next to City of Caterpillar and Damezumari, they're one of the best ever. Here is everything that they've released so far, in order from favorite to least favorite.

I haven't had a date in 4 years Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn... EP

Mispellings (Split 5" w/ Arse Moreira (or however the fuck you spell it))
Heavy Nugs and Heavy Chugs (Split w/ L'Antietam)
Split 10" w/ Coffin Dancer (Coffin Dancer side slays)
New Ruins

New Ruins is really pop-punk and stuff, and it's from a time when the band was known as "The Kidcrash." After getting fucked over by Lujo Records, they dropped the "The" from their name and became even more fucking badass.

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